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Live the Dream with Hunting Land in Texas


The great state of Texas has approximately an area of 268 thousand square miles. Within its majestic borders, Texas houses a wide spectrum of wildlife, stunning landscapes, and varied climates. This makes it a hunter’s haven, as it offers wide expanses of different terrain. Hunting your own game has a lot of advantages and exciting opportunities. At LoneStar Investments we can help you find good and affordable hunting land for sale in Texas.

West Texas has a lot to offer and in Hudspeth County alone you can find over 15 species of game. So whether you are an experienced hunter or someone looking to start in the sport, finding hunting land for sale is the first step towards this exciting venture.

A Growing Movement

The popularity of hunting your own meat is growing thanks to a movement of conscientious consumption of meat. A report by the U.S Fish And Wildlife Service showed that 101.6 million Americans participated in wildlife-related activities in 2016 such as hunting, fishing, and wildlife watching.

The Experience of Hunting

For a lot of people, hunting is more than just a sport but a valuable tradition. It’s part of the American heritage. The sport is often an activity passed down from generation to generation and used as a useful way to teach valuable lessons to children and young people. Some of the advantages of hunting include:

Teaches Responsibility:

First and foremost,  new hunters learn to implement gun safety and a respect for the power of firearms. Secondly, they will learn the responsibility of hunting: to deliver a humane clean shot and to hold themselves accountable. If an animal is wounded, they must eliminate suffering and this teaches immense accountability and responsibility for one’s actions.

Teaches about animal populations:

Once engaged in hunting people become acquainted with wildlife regulations and the natural ebbs and flows of animal populations. People learn that hunting correctly helps preserve wildlife populations for the future.

Respect for Mother Nature:  

Many younger generations are not spending as much time outdoors. This leads to a lack of connection, understanding, and respect for the natural world. When people hunt they begin to understand the majesty of all living beings. There is value in learning to work for your food and understanding the process of preparation.

A Fulfilling Pastime:  

As they learn important lessons, hunters also get much-needed exercise. It tends to involve carrying heavy loads, a lot of walking, and sometimes running.

Wild vs Store Bought

In addition to teaching people valuable lessons, hunting your own game can also be beneficial to people’s health. This is because store-bought meat loses some of its qualities. Also, domestic meat is often treated with hormones or fed a different diet.

  • Leaner: Wild game meat tends to be leaner than domestic meat. This is due to the fact that wild game gets a lot more exercise than does an animal on a farm.
  • Flavor: Because wild game has a better and more healthier diet the meat will be much more flavorful than domestic.
  • Vitamins & Fat Content:  Wild game will generally have a higher concentration of vitamins and less content of fat. It’s also reported that wild game will contain a particular type of acid which protects them from the cold. Farm animals simply don’t produce it and this acid (E.P.A) is linked to a reduced risk of heart attacks and clogged arteries.

Get Texas Hunting Land for Sale With Lonestar Investments

Finding good hunting land for sale will open up a world of opportunities. We’ll help you find the right plot based on your needs, budget, and interests. Some of the wild game in Hudspeth County, Texas include species of ducks, alligator, goose, mule deer, quail and much more. Find your hunter’s haven. Lonestar Investments will help you find the perfect hunting land for sale today!