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5 Things to Consider Before Investing in West Texas Ranch Land

A yellow and green field of grass in West Texas.

Are you ready for a slower pace of life on beautiful land? West Texas has an exciting variety of West Texas ranch land for sale for all your recreational, hunting, or agricultural needs. 

Contact Lonestar Investment’s El Paso office online or call (915) 799-1836 to view our available plots of land today!

Know the Purpose of Your Land

Are you looking for West Texas ranch land for sale for recreational use, livestock farming, or crop production? Each of the available ranch lands for sale has different requirements, so understanding your land’s purpose is crucial to ensure you land the best deal for your needs. For instance, land used for livestock farming will need land that’s suitable for grazing. Consider the type of livestock you plan to raise, as different animals have varying needs for pasture, water, and shelter.

Additionally, land designed for crop production will need fertile soil, water availability, and suitable climate conditions. You may want to consider a soil test to determine its suitability for the crops you intend to grow.

Recreational users may want to look into games or streams for hunting or fishing. Check for the presence of wildlife, water bodies, and forested areas.  

Acre Requirements

Once you’ve determined your land’s purpose, you’ll need to understand the amount of acreage your needs require. Generally, the rule of thumb for grazing livestock is about 1 to 2 acres per cow. However, this can vary significantly depending on the quality of pasture and climate conditions. High-value crops may require less land than large-scale grain farmers. On the other hand, the acreage for recreational use depends on the type of activities you partake in. Hunting or fishing properties will require more land compared to land that’s used for camping or hiking.

Zoning Requirements

Despite owning land, there are zoning laws that dictate what you can and cannot do with your property. Some land might be zoned strictly for agricultural use, while others may allow for mixed-use. Ensure the land you’re interested in is zoned to your specific needs. This is especially important when it comes to environmental regulations that can affect your land use, such as wetland regulations, endangered species habitats, or historical site protections.

Infrastructure Needs

There are several key components to any West Texas ranch land for sale, and that’s a reliable water source, like rivers, lakes, or streams; fencing to delineate property boundaries; buildings and shelters; and access to utilities like electricity, gas, and internet.  

Land Access & Location

Location is essential to any property—ranch land or not. For agricultural purposes, proximity to markets is crucial for the sale of your products. Similarly, road access can make transporting goods and trips to the supermarket more convenient. Ensure the West Texas ranch land for sale has reliable year-round access and the roads can be maintained.

Affordable West Texas Ranch Land for Sale

Are you ready for a new adventure? With the help of Lonestar Investments, we can help you find the perfect ranch land for your next big thing. Call (915) 799-1836 to learn more.